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Diah is here! Mom of three boys.

Lessons from the Road

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I remember a day in my life when I learned something from the road.

Pouring rain can be harsh when you ride on a motorbike. That was what happened to me about 15 years ago.

I was on the way to finish a task from my boss when the rain came down. I was on the road riding my motorbike. Due to the dead line, I couldn't stop to find a shelter.

I kept continue riding. The water was really fell down on me like it was a ton of nails on my face.

I tried hard to look on the road behind my glasses. Poor me, my helmet was not equipped with a visor - something that I regreted later.

I felt like I wanted to give up. But I couldn't because I needed to get to my office in a minute.

Later then I really stopped. It was not that I gave up. No. It was the traffic light.

I stopped at the red light and I suddenly realized that the rain wasn't that hard.

I felt the water poured down on me gently. Not hurting like before.

I just realized that my movement made the rain felt different. When I rode fast the rain felt so hard. When I got slower or stopped, it became softer.

So, what was the lesson?

I know that a situation could be not that bad when I make a different movement.

Never judge something before you try another way to see it. Move or change your speed, you'll see the difference.

Related article: Rainy Season and a Test to Our Roofing System.

The second lesson I got from the road is when I rode my motorbike to find a store in Malioboro Street.

You know Malioboro. It is always a busy place.

I had a hard time finding the store I mentioned. People told me that it was near something. But I just couldn't find it and the 'something'. The place was too busy for me.

At the second try I found the store. Alhamdulillah. It was really next to that something. And actually it was easy to spot.

How come?

I tried to look for the store in a different time. Day vs night.

I found the store at night. By the help of neon signs.

My God. Masha Allah.

Next time I couldn't find a place, I would try to look for it in a different time.

Diah Dwi Arti
Diah Dwi Arti
Muslimah | Madiun, Indonesia | Mom of three | email: diah.d.arti [at]

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1 comment

  1. use google maps for the first before go somewhere to track best road :D


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